Welcome Back to School!
My name is Mrs. Marnie Devereaux and I will be your child’s teacher this year. This will be my twelfth year teaching at Underhill School. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience teaching grades preK-2nd. Second grade has proven to be my favorite!
I’ve had a wonderful summer vacationing at both the ocean and lake. I’ve been able to visit with family and friends and enjoy all the activities that summer has to offer. It’s always hard to say goodbye to summer vacation, but like every year, I’m anxious to meet my new students and begin a new year of fun! I hope you’ve had an enjoyable summer and that your child feels refreshed and ready for a new school year.
This year I look forward to taking on some new challenges and ideas.
New Challenge:
Mr. Fox and I will be working together to provide a teaching model that we are both very excited about. I will be handling the reading instruction for both our classes and Mr. Fox will provide the math instruction. I am sure this will prove to be beneficial for our students.
Mr. Fox and I will collaborate to provide a positive experience for your child both academically and emotionally. Thank you in advance for your support.
New Idea:
Last year and this summer I attended some STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) conferences with fellow district colleagues from grades 1-8. It has brought awareness and valuable ideas that I can incorporate into my existing lessons. Mrs. McBride and Mrs. St. Pierre as well as the district, will be working together to share ideas and lesson plans that will help our students grow as 21st century learners. The students at Underhill are learning to explore, investigate, experiment, and question their thoughts and ideas. I will be sure to share with you STEM activities that occur throughout the school year.
Reading at Night
Why is nightly reading so important? I’ve observed the difference between students that read occasionally and students that read nightly. The difference can be extreme. I know that we all have busy lives, but making nightly reading a routine will not only increase reading fluency and accuracy, it will help develop strong homework habits. I ask the students each year to read for ten minutes to fifteen minutes each night. Homework this year will include a nightly reading log. There are many ways your child can practice reading at night. They may partner read, listen to reading, or read to themselves. Please be sure to discuss the their reading with them. You may go to the following website for more information on how to read with your child.
Contact Information
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns. mdevereaux@sau15.net. I try to check my email twice a day. If you need to meet with me I am available most days before and after school. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Communication Folder:
Your child will receive a gray folder the first week of school. This folder will be a way for us to exchange information. The folder must be returned to school each day. Notes from home, lunch money, and homework should be put in this folder. Your child will be responsible for emptying the folder each morning and filling it at the end of the day. I will help them the first week and then it will become their responsibility.
Back to School Information
Notes from home: Please be sure to send in a note if you have any dismissal changes. You may also call the office, however, it is much to have everything worked out early in the day. Thank you!
Homework will consist of a reading log, spelling practice, and math fact practice. I will send home occasional projects throughout the year. Homework will start the second week of school (spelling will not start for a few weeks).
We do recognize birthdays at school. We don’t have sweet treats, (please refer to the student handbook for information regarding birthdays, birthday invitations may not be sent out at school!), but if you’d like to send something in on you child’s special day, I would encourage pencils, erasers, stickers, or any other small trinket. I also encourage parents/grandparents to come in to class to read aloud a favorite story. Thank you for your support.
Special Schedule- 9:20-10:05
Monday: Health Class (not weekly) Computer-TBA
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: PE-please remember sneakers!
Friday: Art
Tentative Daily Schedule
8:40-9:00 Students arrive
9:00-9:05 Attendance/Lunch count
9:05-9:20 Morning Meeting-Daily message/Calendar math
9:20-10:05 Special
10:05-10:30 Snack/Bathroom Break
10:30-11:00 Phonics/Writing
11:00-12:20 Reading
12:20-1:10 Recess/Lunch
1:10-1:30 Bathroom Break/Read Aloud
1:30-2:45 Math with Mr. Fox
2:45-3:05 Science/Social Studies