Monday, November 4, 2013

                                                                                    November 4, 2013
Dear Parents,

It’s hard to believe it is already November!  The few snowflakes that I spied this morning reminded me that it’s time to pull out the winter gear! It has been a beautiful fall and at least this year we didn’t have an October snowstorm!

Reading- Imagine It
The children did a wonderful job with our first reading unit about kindness.  I am blessed to work with such kind children and they all eagerly participated in spreading kindness at home and at school.  Here are some of their acts of kindness: complimenting the cooks, cleaning the playground, complimenting a friend, making a card, giving a friend a sticker, helping a friend clean up, sharing a snack, holding the door, helping a friend with school work, cheering up a friend, and writing a friendly letter.  Nice job everyone!

We just started our new reading unit entitled Let’s Explore.  Last week we read about the life of an ant.  We’ll continue exploring nature and as well as read stories about plant and animal life. The children always love this unit and this year we’ll be researching more about the life of the bee.  Mrs. Landsman will help guide us through this research project.  We will be sure to share our finished product with you.  Do you think it was a coincidence that our class got the bee project?? 

Math-Math in Focus
We finished chapter 2 Addition With and Without Regrouping up to 1,000 and we started working on Subtraction With and Without Regrouping up to 1,000.  Both chapters included the following steps to solve addition and subtraction problems:
First Concrete: using (manipulatives) base ten blocks.
Then Pictorial-pictures, models, and or diagrams.
Last Abstract- only numerals.
We also spent a lesson focused on checking subtraction with addition.  I am pleased with how hard the children have worked.  I’ve noticed more confidence with each lesson.  Keep practicing math facts at home.  Many children have mentioned that they practice on the computer.  That’s a great idea!  Simple flash cards will also do.  Here is an online practice sight that I found to be helpful:   If you still feel you want practice sheets let me know.   

We ended October with a fabulous fall festival.  Although we couldn’t get outside for the activities, we all enjoyed games, dancing, and making our very own scarecrow.  We ended our day with a popcorn snack and a Halloween noun and adjective search.  Thank you to the parents and PTA for their time and donations!

Conference Day
I look forward to meeting with many of you on Tuesday November 5, 2013.  Our meetings are scheduled for 15 minutes and I will do my best to meet your needs during that time.  Please realize that I am always available to meet again if you have any further questions or concerns.  I can meet most days before or after school.

Have a great day!
Mrs. Devereaux